Due to the negative effects of switched power electronic drives on electric motor lifetime in certain situations, several industry standards have been developed. These standards set recommended limits on the rise time of the voltage waveform and the peak voltages allowed. Two of the most common standards are the NEMA MG 1-2016 standard and the IEC 60034-25 standard.
Iec 60034 Part 30 Pdf Downloadl
DOWNLOAD: https://urlgoal.com/2vDMGL
NEMA MG1 Part 31 specifies allowable rise times and peak voltages for inverter-rated motors that are directly connected to Silicon IGBT-based drives. Section specifies allowable rise times that are much shorter than the Part 30 standard. This allows for higher dv/dt than for general purpose motors. The peak voltage also changes based on the system voltage, with different limits for absolute peak voltage, and peak voltage for partial-discharge-free operation. 2ff7e9595c